About Us

Simply put, I'm a crazy crystal lady.  I love crystals and rocks, and all things metaphysical.  I carry tarot cards in my purse and crystals in my bra.  I sage on the new moon and charge my crystals on the full moon.  I even have a refrigerator full of moon water.  

Yup, I'm that kind of weird.  

Even as a kid, I was weird.  I collected rocks and made "potions" from weeds and dirt.  I had a lot of strange experiences while growing up too.  And boy, did it terrify me.

Long, long story short, (too) many years later, I was fed up with being scared.  I took a few classes with a local psychic/ medium.  I learned SO much about myself.  I also met a lot of great people, weirdos just like me!  Anyway, it was at one of those classes that I first learned of orgonite.  I was fascinated.  And, that began a full year of learning everything I could about it; then another year or so of learning and studying how to make it.  Fast-forward, and now you can find some of my items in new age/ metaphysical stores!!

Now, at some point in one of my blogs, when life slows down (haha) I will write an article of what exactly orgonite is.  Hopefully if you are here, you already know.  One thing I have to say is that the word "orgonite" is trademarked. There have been attempts made to have it revoked for becoming such a generic word.  As of now, it still stands.  Despite several attempts to become a licensee, none of the attorneys will return my messages.  So for now, I must make it clear... yes, I make orgonite, but I only sell orgone energy products and artistic items on this website.